Topas Ecolodge


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Topas Ecolodge in Sapa - Sunset view

Sapa in December

Sapa in December For many, winter in Sapa conjures images of the first snowfall on the peak of Fansipan, or the colorful experiences of the
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Upgrading Homes in Sapa

Upgrading Homes in Sapa Continuing with Topas’ many charitable projects this year, we recently contributed to building concrete floors for houses near Topas Ecolodge. Topas
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Organic Barista Coffee

Organic Barista Coffee  Topas Ecolodge Manager, Christian, is a big fan of coffee and he’s made it his personal mission to take our barista offerings to
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Photos of the Month

Photos of the Month Topas Ecolodge in autumn offers many a completely different Sapa. Forests and the surrounding hills are immersed in the morning mist;
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September news

September News September around our lodges is a time for the harvest ending, clear sky and the pleasant Autumn climate.   This month we bring you
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Sapa’s Golden Season

Sapa’s Golden Season Late August and September is the Golden Season around Sapa, when the rice is ripe and the harvest takes place. Words by Thanh. Photos
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August News

August News Welcome to the August news from Topas. August is the start of the golden rice season around Sapa. The hillsides are carpeted with
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Charity Runs Deeper

Charity Runs Deeper The Topas relationship with Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation stretches back some time, but it was the invitation to the kids supported by
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